The Teacher
Hey, what’s up everybody!
I’m Justin Friar, and my biggest passion in life is to help people wake up to the Word of God—like, really wake up. To the point that they are awakened and equipped to step into the reality that God has already provided for them — “life and life to the fullest.”
This Book didn’t just save my life; it set me free and set me apart to live a life I couldn’t have dreamed of.
I’ve been in Youth Ministry for 10 years and have had the honor of being the Youth Pastor at Grace City Church in Leesburg, GA, for the past 7 years.
Somehow, I got the chance to my high school sweetheart—shoutout to my girl Lex! We’ve been married for 6 years and have two of the coolest (and wildest) little boys, Jayce (3) and Josiah (1).
Wherever you are on this journey, come and join us as we discover what God has revealed to us in his Word and what it means for all of us as we step into the World. Let’s go!
The Overview
Session #1: Ever wonder what makes the Bible different from the millions of books out there? Why is this the one book that Christians have built their lives on for thousands of years? And how has it survived every challenge thrown its way? We’re about to find out.
Session #2: So, who actually wrote the Bible? Did God write it? Did humans? And if humans did, why do we trust it? We’ll dive into why the Bible’s authorship makes it the most reliable and relevant resource for building a relationship with God.
Session #3: The Bible can be confusing, right? We’ll clear that up by figuring out what kind of book the Bible actually is. We’ll break down its story and discover how it’s written from a father’s perspective to his kids—pretty cool, right?
Session #4: Get ready to flip your understanding of the Bible upside down! We’ll reveal that the Bible isn’t just a book to be read—it’s a game to be played. We’ll explore how the entire Bible points to Jesus and help you find where He’s hiding, even in the Old Testament.
Session #5: Finally, we’ll tackle the big question that haunts us all: Why do we have this deep longing for something more? We’ll discover how that ache comes from something we lost at the very beginning and how the Bible shows us the way to get it back.
Are you ready? Let’s dive in!